Wednesday, 29 December 2010

The plan..

OK - route and dates finalised; still one or two accommodation options to consider; Kilmarnock, Chester and Barnstaple are the only two venues in which I have not yet sorted somewhere to stay, but will work on that early in new year.

Still turning the screw on Mark Lupton to make up the Dirty Dozen, haven't given up hope yet!         For those of you that haven't seen this yet; xtranormal video link  give it a view, and you'll have some idea of what I'm up against (disclaimer - it's not for the kids, viewer discretion advised!)

Steve/Gar - the dates are as below, sorry for any confusion;

Start day, May 7th 2011 (drive up the day before, Friday. stay at this hostel )

1.Saturday  7th…JOG – Inverness; 119 miles
2.Sunday  8th…Inverness – Oban; 109 miles
3.Monday  9th…Oban – Kilmarnock; 114 miles
4.Tuesday  10th...Kilmarnock-Windermere;122 miles
5.Wednesday  11th...Windermere–Chester;128miles
6.Thursday  12th…Chester–Celtic Manor Resort Newport/Usk; 126miles
7.Friday  13th…Celtic Manor – Barnstaple; 109miles 
8.Saturday  14th… Barnstaple – St.Agnes; 82 miles 
9.Sunday 15th…St.Agnes – Land’s End; 34 miles
Lunch in Land’s end, drive home Sun., pm.
Land’s end – Port Talbot (257 miles) in the van!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, just stumbled across your blog - we're doing JOGLE April/May 2011, currently finalising route. 4 of us doing it in 10 days, so similar time scale to yourself. May be in touch re any accommodation recommendations that you might have!

    Good luck with the training and check out our blog to keep up with us

