Monday, 25 April 2011

Less than two weeks to go...

Oh Lordy, not long now, have we done enough training, will the bikes be Ok? Will everyone make it to the start line, via planes, trains and automobiles (well, Autobus!).
Had a nice break in Cornwall last week and tried to get some early morning rides in, to keep the legs turning.
Managed 30 or so miles per day, most days and diet wasn't too bad and didn't get involved in too much cider-drinking down there! 
Got to pick up the water from Prince's gate on Thurs and expecting the fruit smoothies from Ella's kitchen anyday now, then that'll be it for snacks/drinks/goodies, etc.

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

A lot more than 9 bars!

Many thanks to all the guys at 9-bar, especially Liz Tucker 
and Mark Gould whose box of 100 of their delicious
Hemp and Carob bars will go down a treat with everyone, especially
John Morsley, who informs me he is gluten intolerant! 
The box came today at 10 o'clock, between my nightshifts :(
and were almost worth getting out of bed after 3hrs sleep for!
The bars are gluten and wheat free and I'll do my best to keep
my hands off them until May!
They also gave us some promtional patches for jersey, which if anyone
is domesticated enough to take an iron on tour with them, we could
apply to out jerseys to fly the flag for this Welsh-based company - they
are in Corwen in Denbighshire, North Wales.
Visit their website for more info, here..  9 bars - from North Wales

Sunday, 3 April 2011

I would like to do a tour this way, one day..
but for now I'm glad we have a mini-bus and hotels/hostels...

Things to remember for JOGLE...
Zip-lock freezer bags - ideal for cameras, map-covers, wallets etc.
Black bags - for laundry, rubbish, etc.
3 x complete sets of cycling gear - one on, one clean, one drying!
Sunnies - the sun WILL shine
Waterproof jacket/s - it WILL rain!
2 x spare tubes.
Multi-tool, allen keys etc.
Your preferred breakfast cereal - for hostels in Helmsdale, Oban, Chester
Lotions and potions (Ralgex, Ibuleve, Ibuprofen, Hedex, etc. etc.)
Leave room for two extra t-shirts and a fleece in your (small) kitbag - more freebies!

Some of these will happen, hopefully ALL of them won't!

34 days to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!